
Jerome Page Tobias (1971) is a working artist in Sackets Harbor, New York. His work has been included in numerous solo and group shows. Jerome works in artistic mediums such as sculpture, drawing, printmaking, installation works, photography, and graphic arts. He is also a writer and poet.

Jerome’s work often confronts the false documentation of family memories. His work looks at themes of both collection and recollection.

Jerome states that, ”Collected family artifacts can be manipulated and redistributed to form a new context.”

As with any artist or photographer, volume is the key towards the potential of a great image. By pairing up several photos, a new context increases the potential accuracy, or questioning(?) of historical events and places. As a second generation historian, Jerome looks at unknown events though a diffused and altered observational lens. Without the presence of both the matriarch and patriarch, a new story is recreated from the items left behind. This new story is part fiction and part truth. Jerome’s past drawings were based on family artifacts. His intention was to draw the objects and create a pictorial reference for the collection, in order to dispose of the items themselves. He found that the drawings contained the spirit of the object as well as the person that originally used the object. Jerome’s personal photographs document his connection to place and space. He uses photography to capture a momentary observation. His photos archive the poetic narrative of roadside ephemeral signage, the grand openness of landscape, as well as a personal pause
of observation.

John P Corrigan, Central Air :: Nomadic Art Space, curator and director

  • Toby

    Jerome 'Toby' Tobias