
The shaken woman stopped,
looked up at me with wistfulness
that I could somehow take away
all of her pain.

With all my heart, my thoughts,
would try. I spoke for her, saying,
“if you need, if you request, if you trust,
all you must do is ask.”

I will stand along side of you,
show you through to safety
and security. you can trust me
with your broken soul. I am here,
for you.

With that said,
the woman leaned into me.
Saddened face pressed deeply
into my shoulder. Trembling hands,
shaking arms disappearing
into the warmth of my coat.
Grasping my ribs for support,
absorbing the ease of my breath.

From panic, into softness.
I lay a steadying hand at
the base of her neck,
the other,clutching her hips
in a reassuring embrace.
She stayed, breathed heavily
into my neck. Crying.
Swollen heart ache,
into relaxed trust.

Small whispers of content
and soothing. Face,
caress against my scent.
Her arms, still clutching tightly,
as if to say, I am staying here.
Never returning to that sadness
again. This woman,
happy to be in,
from out of the cold.


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  • Toby

    Jerome 'Toby' Tobias