Unrequited One

a beautiful woman
on verge, of a crumbling loom
threads undone
a patch quilt from pattern of other
projects, burden of her world
on beautiful shoulders.

eyes that show
quiet quivering uneasy smile
deep dark passion curled hair
that glows tucked in
behind soft sad thoughts.

mind racing
thoughts out-there  published
into the world
that is not hers anymore
published for others,
still hidden under mountains
of red tape, not allowing.

like a fine beautiful quilt
made of hundreds of hand sewn
stitches, unravel at the epi-center
of the heart, her quilt grows out of necessity.
a boarder of experience
around her to pad the inner
souls of her long locked soul
with patches, repairing
the oldest part of her quilt.

—thoughts after coffee and sending
you away with a handful of roses.


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  • Toby

    Jerome 'Toby' Tobias